24 October 2007
Habitat Work Day
Random thoughts on the new TV season
I used to talk TV with my friend Carol. But since she moved away, and is still sans computer, I'm finding my head filled with comments and observations that have no where to go. So my thoughts on the fall TV season, in rambling order.
I'm watching Moonlight because I have a soft spot for vamp shows, I like noire, and the lead is suitably charismatic. It's a bit uneven yet, but I'm going to resist comparing it to Angel since I don't feel like its trying for the same angst. If it doesn't make it, find that guy another job, fast. With Journeyman I find myself missing the lighter tone of Quantum Leap. Yes I know it's not a remake, but.... still I'll be watching it, mostly because Horatio Cane bugs me and I can't watch CSI Miami.
I'm interested by Cane, mostly because of Jimmy Smits, and I know nothing of Cuban American life, so I'll stay tuned in for now. It’s been a while since we’ve had a good sudser around. Chuck I'm loving...while not quite a nerd in the "Nerd Squad" mode, I'm a software weenie myself, and it’s funny too, how good a package is that? The Reaper is another one I'm loving. The "vessels" for capturing the souls are ridiculous, and too funny. Who knew serving hell could be so full of mishaps and hilarity.
And Pushing Daises is the best new show so far, definitely must see TV. Love how the colors of the show match the whimsy. You have to wonder how the premise will play with normal TV viewers, but you can't say this way of solving cases has been done before! Loving Dirty Sexy Money too. So far the family is just quirky enough but not too much. There would be no reason for a fulltime lawyer if they were normal, and in this case, that's a win for us. How heartbreaking was that list scene with the briefcase locks opening?
Bionic Women I'm still not sure about, and Starbuck steals the show whenever she’s around. Now that we’re getting past the how-dare-you-do-this-to-me and into chicks kicking butt, things should pick up. But I love SciFi and Private Practice struck me as blah, Tim Daly (why oh why did The Nine not stick around) not withstanding.
Gossip Girl is the other choice that night, and I think it's a reasonable replacement for The O.C. Hooray for computers and recording devices. K-Ville, I find Anthony's Andersons character a bit too in your face for my taste, but I have acquaintances who were affected by Katrina, and I've been to N.O. twice, so I'll maybe I’ll catch up with this one on the computer. “Life” is a bit too tic-y. If it sticks around, reruns maybe. I tried to like the Kelsy Grammer thing, but it just isn't working for me, In the interest of full disclosure, I'm neither a sitcom fan, nor a fan of his, but still, I'm surprised by the raves it's getting. Seems like more of the same old same old to me. For sitcoms, you can't beat How I Met Your Mother. Barney is smarmy gold.
So that's the new stuff, now on to the returning shows.
I don't care that Heros has more characters then it can handle, I'm still in. Peter is going to get some of the naiveté knocked out of him I'm guessing, which might not be a bad thing. I'm just glad he's alive; he and Hiro seem like the moral centers. Though now that he’s wondering if he’s a not-so-nice-guy, I hope they don’t really have him embracing a life on the darker side. It really isn’t him. How funny is Hiro in feudal Japan, and how long will it take for people to notice how he's dressed? Just asking.
I realized how much I missed the Winchester boys when I saw the first ep. Another bit of song genius with "Hells Bells" along with the release of all the demons. Good to see Dean back in hedonistic form: give me a little Dean anytime:) If Papa Winchester was still alive /sigh. Jenson is the reason I started watching (along with lingering X-File withdrawals) in the first place. Been following him from Eric Brady through Dark Angel and on to demon killing. The pop references, inappropriate and snarky remarks, along with lots of brotherly love... welcome back. And okay, yes, I’m a shallow person, watching TV for fun and eye candy J
Clark Kent is finally on the road to being Superman, I just hope it isn't the road of the movie Superman. I've always found the original too "boy scout" for my taste and it was Smallville that got me into the franchise in the first place. Still, it's time he comes around to it, and it's nice to see all the mythology clicking into place.
Thursday's are hell day, with Ugly Betty showing no sign of a sophomore slump. I'm sorry they had to kill off Santos. It wasn't a secret that Santos died (was it?), and I guess they wanted to set it up so we had an instant where we weren't sure. But is it just me or did that whole setup make Justin and Betty's interaction concerning Hilda being shut in her room feel just a bit off. And I'm guessing Alexis and Daniel have a chance for a bit of reset, wonder how long that will last. Fun all around. More thank god for the computer!
I can't help liking Numbers too, something about Charlie really appeals to me, but Friday's is going to be a tough night. Thrilled to see Friday Night Lights on Friday and it's as good as ever. That town couldn't feel more real (okay I'm a burby rat from CA and have never set foot in small town Texas, but still). Lyla is bugging me, but I tend to feel that anyone who self righteously announces their religion to the world maybe isn't all that sure about it. Actions speak louder then words is all I have to say. And I'm withholding judgment on the bit at the end. I'm trusting the writers know where they are going, but in this show, everything has consequences, and I'm worried for the two of them.
My SciFi fix comes with Stargate Atlantis and with SG1 gone, this is it. I'm guessing that having Sam in charge will be a good thing, but I hope it doesn't give everything a military slant now. It's more civilian mix is what set it apart from SG1. And I can't resist a shout out to BSG. It's version of ‘All Along the Watch Tower’? The. Best. Ever. I can’t wait for the season 3 soundtrack coming out soon.
I slacked off from Desperate Housewives last season and was watching Side Order of Life, but that's ended so I guess I'll be back on Wisteria Lane, though maybe via computer, the same way I sort of watch Grey's Anatomy. I hear the lighter tone is back on the later, and that's a good thing. And they got Captain Mal! With Brothers and Sisters, I was not fooled by the funeral previews, and I'm glad Justin is back since he's the center in that family.
And it’s great to have the interaction between Bones and Booth back. It would have been more fun for Bones to be reluctant to re-team up because of Booth and not Zach, but I loved how secure Angela was about Hodgins being such a normal guy, and how often do you say that about him anyway. And Brennen, when a guy is talking about “making love vs sex, you do NOT mention that two object can’t occupy the same space, you swoon girl. But how like Bones J
House I love, but I'm having trouble fitting it in because you can't record everything. Now that Eureka is over, I'll be switching over. Irascible he may be, but he'd better get a pang or two over getting rid of Chase and by proxy, the rest of his team. But could be fun to see them butting heads with him as non-subordinates. I'm looking forward to it, though I'm not sure if House should be :)
I'm thrilled Eureka will be around for more. Sheriff Carter, average guy, in a town of mensa+ folks, so well handled and sooo much fun to visit. It's really too bad all those gadgets are fiction, how fun would some of those be. Oh wait, you can buy them via the ads on SciFi.com, what am I thinking? I guess the rosy future with Alison is well and truly out of reach now. And a recent episode had the Carpe Diem guy mentioning a food dish, Cevapcici, that was my favorite thing to eat from my vacation to Croatia.
Thats all for now and yes I know it's a bit late, but I can't get past the idea that posting is so narcisistic.
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Labels: Fall Season, TV
07 October 2007
Grand Opening, Deverry's of Willow Wood
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Labels: Deverry, Everquest2, Norrath
The Mammoths and Valdeholm Giants
We made our camp in the snow and ice just up the hill from the gates; our little party of healers and fighters. This was going to be a tricky fight. The mammoths were docile enough, until you hit one of them and they noticed you. It was going to take some tricky tactics to engage the giants without angering the mammoths as well. As the campfire cast its meager warmth, a strategy was decided upon. The pets would bear the brunt of the damage, and we would sneak into the fort invisibly, grab a citizen, and bring him carefully out through the mammoths to our group.