Festival tents were scattered across Antonica as Norrath prepared for this years Unity Festival. Games and activities abounded as the residents gathered. I desired to venture out amongst the citizens and observe the lights, color, and spectacles, some of which were surely not intended by those providing the entertainment.

I chanced upon a dueling match taking place not far from the Qeynos Guard towers. I celebrated the contestents along with the crowd.

It was with some surprise that I found myself desirous of entering the "Splat" contest near Windstalker Village. First, I fortified myself with a fine Elven Wine.

Then I headed to the bluffs. My fellow comrades and I shared a tankard. We jumped. The goal was to land as close to the spirit wolf as possible. While I did not capture an image of myself and my efforts, you can see others making the leap. My efforts were less then accomplished.

It was a fair effort and I commend the organizers, and the city of Qeynos, for its efforts. Huzzah!

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